This car thief loved to steal cars of only one brand. The police recently caught up with 22-year-old Amrit Singh, who allegedly stole six cars in just a month from west Delhi. What’s more, he committed the thefts in his first month after coming out of the jail and stole just one car brand.
Singh reportedly only stole Honda City cars because he liked the air-conditioning in the car. Apparently, he used the cars to take children from his locality on joyrides and would abandon the car once it ran out of fuel, reports Indian Express.
Amrit Singh alias Don was caught by a police team from his house at Raghubarpura in Gandhi Nagar area of east Delhi on Wednesday.
Police suspect Singh was involved in at least 16 car thefts
A police official told Indian Express that Singh had spent eight months behind bars and hadn’t sold a single car he stole.
According to a report in The Times of India, Singh had a master key which he used to unlock vehicles in seconds. Then, he would remove the security and ECM (Engine Control Module) chips of the vehicle and replace them with the duplicates so that he could drive away.
He also reportedly tried to sell one of the cars in Meerut, but couldn’t strike a good deal.
Singh was finally nabbed after police got a CCTV footage showing Amrit stealing a two-wheeler in east Delhi