The prosperity index list is out and India ranks 99 out of 142 countries, climbing three places from last year, but falling behind one spot in a sub-category that measures personal freedom.
Amidst the prevalent intolerance outrage across the country, India stands at 79 in personal freedom category. Canada is the freest country in the world and also one of the most prosperous countries with an overall rank of 6.

Norway topped the list for the seventh consecutive year, followed by Switzerland, Denmark and New Zealand.London-based think tank, the Legatum Institute, has produced the list of countries by combining economic indicators, including gross domestic product, with dozens of other measures of well being, from access to education and health to the living environment for ethnic minorities.According to it’s recent report , the index is based on the logic that “prosperity is more than just the accumulation of material wealth.”

At a time when India is drawing flak as an intolerant nation on religious and ethnic grounds, this list provides a clear picture of its current status and where it stands in comparison to the top nations.