Prime Minister Justin Trudeau welcomed those fleeing war and persecution on Saturday even as Canadian airlines said they would turn back US-bound passengers to comply with an immigration ban on people from seven Muslim-majority countries.

b’Canada PM Justin Trudeau |Source: Reuters’

A day after US President Donald Trump put a four-month hold on allowing refugees into the United States and temporarily barred travellers from the seven countries, Trudeau said in a tweet:

 A second pointed tweet, also timed to coincide with outrage over Trump’s immigration policy, included an archive photo of Trudeau welcoming a Syrian refugee at a Canadian airport in 2015.

Confusion abounded at airports around the world on Saturday as immigration and customs officials struggled to interpret the new US rules.

While Trudeau was tweeting a welcome to refugees, others on the social media platform were questioning whether Immigration Minister Ahmed Hussen – a Somali-Canadian refugee – would be able to travel to the United States under the new rules.

Hussen’s office did not respond to a request for comment.