Littering is so common in public spaces in India that governments all over the country need to come out with new methods to stop us.

Few years ago, Chandigarh Municipal Corporation amended its by-laws imposing heavy fines on people littering the city.

Hindustan Times

Bringing these amendments into force, the Chandigarh Municipal Corporation started its challan drive on 1 April, 2019, according to a report by Indian Express.

As many as 45 challans of ₹10,000 each were issued for littering in public spaces. 40 other challans of ₹5,000 each were also issued for using plastic.

Indian Express

Most of the challans were issued to the owners of eating joints and multinational restaurants.

Speaking to Indian Express, Medical Officer of Health, Amrit Pal Singh said:

“Most of the eating joint owners had stashed waste outside their building. Our sanitary inspectors were told that they should click pictures for their proof before handing out the challan.”
Chandigarh Metro

As per reports, the municipal body wants to create awareness among citizens through this initiative. Talking to Indian Express, one official said:

“Our aim is not to earn any revenue but to make people aware that they should not litter or stash garbage. People should understand the intention behind the challan drive.”

We hope that this challan drive restrains people from littering in public spaces.