According to ISRO chairman AS Kiran Kumar, c limate change is a major issue which is impacting environment and economy and is a great challenge facing the world.

It’s no longer a scientific curiosity. It is now an environmental issue impacting economy, livelihood, health safety, agriculture, food production and many other dimensions.

1. Shifting weather patterns threaten food production.

Source: PTI

2. Unpredictability of precipitation, contaminated coastal fresh water and reserves and rising sea levels increase the risk of catastrophic flooding and a warming atmosphere.

Source: Reuters

3. The north-eastern region is prone to natural disasters like flood, landslide, thunderstorm, drought and forest fire.

Source: PTI

To keep the situation under control, ISRO’s North Eastern Space Application Centre at Shillong has developed innovative techniques under its Flood Early Warning System project involving the regional climate modelling centre, Guwahati.

The scope of this project has been extended to flood-prone areas in the north-eastern states and it has proved very helpful in managing floods in Assam.

( With inputs from PTI)

(Feature image source: PTI)