On the eve of 83rd anniversary Air Chief Marshall Arup Raha has announced that women pilots will now fly fighter jets.

“We are now planning to induct them into the fighter stream to meet the aspiration of young women of India,” said IAF chief, Arup Raha.

Thus far, women pilots were only allowed to fly helicopters in Indian Air Force.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi greeted Air Force on its 83rd Anniversary, saying it has served the country with great courage and has always been at the forefront in protecting our skies as well as in times of disasters.

This is a big change for the Air Force, especially when you consider that in 2014, the Air Force Chief Raha had said : ” As far as flying fighter planes is concerned, it’s a very challenging job. Women are by nature not physically suited for flying fighters for long hours, especially when they are pregnant or have other health problems.”Either which way, this is a welcome decision and it will surely give the women in the Indian Air Force, a huge boost.