The empty shelves of the supermarkets are just a reminder of how desperately people are hoarding food and fearing the day they may not have supplies in their house.  

However, while we can hoard as much food as we want but the UN believes that all the measures taken to curb coronavirus may result in a global food shortage.  

Maximo Torero, Chief economist of the UN food and agriculture organization has said that “all measures against free trade will be counterproductive. Now is not the time for restrictions or putting in place trade barriers. Now is the time to protect the flow of food around the world,”  

It is a chain reaction. Because of the importance of social distancing and isolation, farmers will not be able to work as frequently and due to this, there will be a drastic change in how much food is produced which will result in a cut down on exports.  

Countries that are massive exporters are largely reducing or in many cases, banning their exports so that the supplies can function and be enough for their respective countries.  

Kazakhstan, which is one of the world’s biggest exporters of wheat-flour has banned it’s export. Similarly, Vietnam, which is world’s third largest rice exporter has also banned it’s exports temporarily. Even huge countries like the USA and Russia who are large exporters, are considering taking drastic measures in regards to trade.

The problem won’t arise immediately. But as days, weeks and months pass by and the current stock will become less in number, there could be a huge difference between the demand for food products and its supply. 

This is precisely why we should avoid panicking and hoarding food so that the current stock lasts longer and we can maintain a balance between the supply and demand for as long as possible.