Whether you are a fresher or a professional with heaps of work experience, your CV is an extremely significant piece of paper that reflects everything you have done in your professional life.

To help you bag the right job, The Real CV Guru has shared the right way of sharing a job application via email that will help you craft an impressive CV and leave a good first impression on your hiring manager.

1. Address it directly to the concerned person as it would create an instant connection with them.

2. Add a crisp subject line that includes the position you are applying for along with your name.

3. While writing the body of the application, mention the role you are applying for along with your relevant skills and experiences.

4. If you are a fresher, list down your educational qualifications and skills in the body.

5. Close your application with a crisp one-liner along with your relevant contact details.

In her brilliant thread, she also mentioned some basic yet essential pointers that one should check before hitting that send button.

In a separate thread, she mentioned how people are thanking her after bagging the job they wanted badly. 

Now that you know, go and ace that interview!