Amidst the increasing cases of Coronavirus, AIIMS just welcomed Delhi’s first healthy baby to be born from a mother who tested positive for Coronavirus. 

Mother and Baby

A few days ago, a senior resident who works in the physiology department of AIMS, tested positive for the pandemic along with his pregnant wife and brother. 

NY Times

Despite testing positive for COVID-19, his wife delivered a healthy baby on Friday. In Delhi, this is the first baby to be born from a mother who has tested +ve for the virus. 

Buisness Insdier ( Representational Image)

The isolation ward where the 29-year-old mother was admitted for her treatment was instantly converted into an operation theatre with a team of around 10 doctors to deal with the case.  

The Hitavda ( Representational Image)

One of the senior doctors who was working on this case said that the delivery was a week earlier than expected. He further mentioned: 

Both the mother and the baby are healthy. The baby was delivered a week early, through C-section. At present, the infant has been kept with the mother since he will require breastfeeding. 
123 RF ( Representational Image)

Though the doctors are yet to test the infant for the virus, the newborn is healthy so far. According to WHO guidelines, women with COVID-19 can breastfeed their babies without putting the newborns at risk. The doctor further added: 

So far, there is no evidence that the infection can be transmitted through breastfeeding. While the mother has tested positive for COVID-19, she is asymptomatic. We will be collecting samples of the infant too.  
Metro UK ( Representational Image)

With an aim to efficiently deal with pregnant women who have tested positive for the virus, AIIMS has already prepared various protocols.