While some of you were still reeling from the ‘effects of Holi’, the Delhi Police on duty managed to issue more than 13,000 challans to people for violating traffic rules.

Hindustan Times

According to a News18 report, a total of 13,219 challans were issued yesterday, out of which 1591 were for drunk driving.

The report further adds that the number of challans has increased by 4000 as compared to last year. In 2018, roughly 9300 people were challaned with 1900 of those being drunk driving cases.

The Better India

In Mumbai, around 725 people were booked for driving under the influence. There were 166 cases of rash driving, 430 over-speeding cases and 789 cases of triple-seat riding were registered.


Festival or not, people should really respect and obey traffic rules.