After a gruelling battle for Bihar which saw everything from sting operations, family feuds and a heated war of words, the election is finally coming to a close as counting of votes is underway in Bihar.

Representational image | Source: PTI

Although there had been a lot of confusion about how exactly things are progressing, reports that have come in so far suggest that the Nitish Lalu led grand allaince is all set to form the government in Bihar.

While most exit polls except one had suggested a win for the JDU+ alliance in Bihar, the vote-count today begin with a tight contest which the NDA seemed to lead. But soon JDU+ gained momentum and took the upper-hand by a big margin.

Representational image | Source: PTI

As Sharad Yadav of the Grand Alliance had said earlier that they will take 150 seats, the JDU-RJD-Congress front are leading in 153 seats — 122 are required to form the government. Initially, only local media in Bihar was showing a lead for JDU+, but now election commission website has also indicated the same .

As the mercury was constantly rising in Bihar over the past couple of months with the beef and reservation issues, Lalu’s one liners and Modi’s jibes coming in the spotlight, Nitish Kumar’s confidence might have not been misplaced at all.