Revenge is a dish best served cold. Some even serve it in the form of ripped answer sheets.

P Madhukumar, a student pursuing Masters In Science, worked at an evaluation centre part time. He was arrested on July 21 when the authorities of the Vijayanagara Sri Krishnadevaraya University discovered that he secretly tore up answer sheets of a girl as revenge. All because she had rejected his love in the past.

“I did this because she rejected my proposal. I wanted to take revenge. I tore papers from her answer script booklets and threw them into a bin in the toilet,” Madhukumar had confessed to the police as per the reports collected by The Times Of India .

Madhukumar had confessed his love for the girl, when they were doing Bachelor of Science. However, the girl had rejected him with contempt, after which he started harassing her. Later on, the girl took up Master in Science (Mathematics) but Madhukumar failed in Bsc. A year later when he took up MSc in Computer Science, he also worked as a part timer at the evaluation section where he earned Rs 200 per day. His job profile included bundling and storing of answer scripts, during which he also found out how to identify the girl’s answer scripts.

After the recent supplementary examinations, when he found four answer scripts of the girl he immediately tore up two of them but cleverly left the first and the last pages intact to avoid suspicions.

A university official had reportedly found his movements suspicious and immediately informed the higher authorities, who thoroughly checked all the bundles, which Madhukumar had handled. After the investigation, they found that four of the booklets, which belonged to one student, were torn. They immediately informed Ballari rural police who arrested the student from the evaluation centre. The torn papers were recovered.

Move on, man! You wanted revenge? Look at what that got you… arrested!