On Tuesday, Maharashtra CM Devendra Fadnavis gave a lesson to the Thane police on Twitter for not giving proper reply to a complaint and told them how to do it. And we are sure Thane Police will think twice before responding on Twitter.
Here’s how it all started:
An irritated Twitter user who goes by the name Dps S tried to seek help from Thane City police about the massive traffic jam at Ghodbunder in Thane.
@ThaneCityPolice @CPMumbaiPolice @Dev_Fadnavis Heavy traffic jam at gohdbunder way to Fountain Hotel pic.twitter.com/VWhmkQzw0G
— Dps S (@DpsS9) July 2, 2016
What he got was an indifferent bureaucratic response from them who were clearly trying to evade responsibility
@DpsS9 @CPMumbaiPolice @Dev_Fadnavis Jurisdiction of Thane rural police. kindly intimate them.
— Thane City Police (@ThaneCityPolice) July 2, 2016
But thankfully, Chief Minister Fadnavis, who was also tagged in the tweet, had a prompt response to this and gave a befitting lesson to Thane Police on how to actually reply
@ThaneCityPolice Your reply should be ‘It is under Thane Rural Police jurisdiction and “we will inform them”.’@DpsS9 @CPMumbaiPolice
— Devendra Fadnavis (@Dev_Fadnavis) July 2, 2016
The Thane City Police then responded and thanked the CM for pointing that out
@Dev_Fadnavis @DpsS9 Sir, as a protocol, we always call & inform the concerned authority irrespective of the jurisdiction & it was done 1/2
— Thane City Police (@ThaneCityPolice) July 2, 2016
@Dev_Fadnavis @DpsS9 2/2 in this case too. However you have rightly pointed out that the complainant should be told that too. Thank you sir.
— Thane City Police (@ThaneCityPolice) July 2, 2016
The complainant seemed truly delighted
@nikbhojal @Dev_Fadnavis @ThaneCityPolice @CPMumbaiPolice great response from government and police officers
— Dps S (@DpsS9) July 2, 2016
@CPMumbaiPolice@MumbaiPolice @ThaneCityPolice great stepby All Police staff.& its really appreciated quick action caried out even heavy rain
— Dps S (@DpsS9) July 2, 2016
This move was also lauded by Twitter users who were impressed with CM Fadnavis’ gesture
@Dev_Fadnavis saving this tweet…will not forget ever.. thts how a CM shud work. #Respect 🙏🙏🙏 @ThaneCityPolice @DpsS9 @CPMumbaiPolice
— NitinKB (@nikbhojal) July 2, 2016
That’s a responsible CM who doesn’t blame others, but fixes quietly when he sees wrong. Kudos @Dev_Fadnavis sir. pic.twitter.com/Eh7zaeNHmZ
— IBTL (@IndiaBTL) July 2, 2016
@Dev_Fadnavis @ThaneCityPolice @DpsS9 @CPMumbaiPolice Awesomeness of a CM !! Kudos !!🙏
— Awesome Panda (@awesome_paanda) July 3, 2016
@Dev_Fadnavis @NidhiKamdarMH @ThaneCityPolice @DpsS9 @CPMumbaiPolice superb response 👍👍Other CMs must learn from this.
— ट्रेंडारोही #JDL (@neohunk007) July 2, 2016
Thanks Mr. CM @Dev_Fadnavis for sensitizing @ThaneCityPolice how to interact with common man in distress @DpsS9 @CPMumbaiPolice 👍
— Gajendra (@GK_INDIA33) July 2, 2016