The COVID-19 (coronavirus) has spread panic across the world. The virus has affected over 93,000 people and has killed over 3,000 people across the globe.
This outbreak has been declared as an International medical emergency by WHO because it’s highly contagious. So here are some do’s and don’t you can practice to prevent yourself from coronavirus and be cautious.
“Our message to all countries is: this is not one-way street. We can push this #coronavirus back.
— World Health Organization (WHO) (@WHO) March 2, 2020
Your actions now will determine the course of the #COVID19 outbreak in your country.
There’s no choice but to act now”-@DrTedros
1. Do wash your hands as often as possible.
It is advisable to wash hands at least for 20 seconds thoroughly with water and soap. If you don’t have that available then it is advisable to use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer. Both these activities might kill viruses present in your hands.

2. Don’t touch your eyes, mouth and nose without washing your hands.
The viruses in your hands can get transferred to your face if you touch it without washing them.

3. Don’t spread rumours.
Spreading rumours can cause panic among people. If you don’t know about a confirmed case about the virus then keep calm and don’t spread it the minute anyone sneezes.
4. Do cover your nose and your mouth with a handkerchief or a tissue while coughing or sneezing.
This is quite basic. Anyone around you can catch the virus if you’re sneezing openly.
5. Do keep a distance from people with colds and flu.
Since the symptoms of the virus are pretty much the same as any common flu, its preventive to keep a one-arm distance from the person who has any such symptoms.
6. Don’t share utensils, towels, any hygiene articles or even cigarettes with anyone.
Saliva can have viruses which can easily be transferred to the person sharing any of these items.

7. Don’t travel to crowded places as much as you can.
If you’re planning to go to a music festival or are meaning to explore a new city, avoid it. The lesser the people, the better.
8. Do wear a specialized N95 mask only.
Disposable masks are said to be ineffective as they don’t have filters to protect from harmful viruses.

9. Do keep your home stacked.
If by chance you get affected by the virus or have the flu and need to be quarantined, make sure to have your food supplies in handy at home.

10. Do see a specialist ASAP if you feel any of the symptoms of the virus.
As they say, prevention is always better than cure.

Stay safe and don’t panic.
Sources: WHO, WebMD, Ministry of Health.