According to The Times of India, the dog, named Sultan, who is a labrador, was left behind after his entire family was sent to prison after being charged with murder of family members, who were all involved in a property feud. 

After his owners were put behind bars, this doggo had nowhere to go – until law enforcement stepped in and provided him a new home, at a police station in Bhopal


Manisha Tiwari, Station Incharge of the Chhoti Bajaria Police Station in Bhopal, stepped in to take care of Sultan as soon as she heard about his situation, which was about 5 days after the family was jailed.  She explained how she reached out to help in the situation,  

Five people were killed by the owners of the dog. There was no one to look after their dog that is why he is here. We are providing food and water to Sultan

Sultan has found his place in the police station, and made himself completely at home. The cops feed him meals of bread, milk and chappatis. Sultan returns the favour by lighting up the atmosphere inside the station, with his wagging tail and nose-sniffing. All the staff of the post treat him as member of their own family.

Tiwari also revealed that if anyone would want to step ahead and adopt Sultan, she will happily hand him over.