Alcohol-consumption has said to be a leading factor in the most preventable accidents. Naresh, an autorickshaw driver in Hyderabad just proved that right by setting his wife on fire. All over an omelette.

The unfortunate incident occurred on Sunday after Naresh went home and got drunk. He asked his wife Sandeshamma to prepare an omelette which she did, placing it next to his bed where he had dozed off.


However, before Naresh could get up, his younger son finished off the omelette. When Naresh woke up and realised there was no omelette he lost his temper. He doused Sandeshamma with kerosene and set her ablaze.

The neighbours rushed the woman to a nearby hospital. Her condition is said to be critical

The police, who registered an attempt to murder case against Naresh, have launched a manhunt for him as he ran away during the commotion.