Sanjay Dutt, imprisoned for illegal arms possession in connection with the 1993 Mumbai blasts that tore apart the city, was granted a 14-day furlough by authorities at Yerwada jail on December 24. This is the fourth time in 18 months that the actor will be out of the jail in Pune.
Sanjay Dutt has spent 118 days out of Yerwada jail, since he surrendered in May 2013. He is currently serving the 42-month remainder of his shortened five year sentence. But the buzz around ‘Sanju baba’ just refuses to die down.
Given the controversial nature of his arrest and his huge celebrity status, this isn’t surprising. Except that some of these stories have made us snigger, cringe and, sometimes, question journalism completely.
Since it is the season of roundups, here are 10 headlines about Bollywood’s Munnabhai that should never have been printed. Because, hear us when we say this, there’s no story there.
1. After Six Pack In Jail, Sanjay Dutt Vies For Eight Pack Abs
Chalo ji . Forget gym memberships, jail will give you that dream bod.
2. Of Holidays And Reunions: Sanjay Dutt Watches ‘PK’ With Family, Aamir Khan
It is that holly, jolly time of the year, after all!
3. Manyata To Visit Sanjay Dutt In Jail For Karva Chauth?
Really? That’s amazing! Breaking news material.
4. Sanjay Dutt Walks Around Prison ‘Shirtless’ Showing Off His Eight Packs
Please decide – six pack or eight. Because an eight-pack changes everything.
5. Sanjay Dutt To Break His Navratri Fast Today
So did about a million other people. Just saying.
6. I Would Like Sanjay Dutt To Be Transferred From Jail To The ‘Bigg Boss’ House: Salman Khan
Bigg Boss chahte hain …
7. ‘Prisoner’ Sanjay Dutt Isn’t Allowed To Vote
Thanks for clearing that up.
8. Buckets Of Water Substitute Weights For Sanjay Dutt’s Exercise Routine
Hey! Information that is just in time for our New Year’s resolutions! Phew!
9. Sanjay Dutt Set To Come Back In Kaante Sequel
Which will be God knows when. Current affairs, anyone?
10. Snapped: Sanjay Dutt Out Of Jail To Celebrate Christmas
Reference to context, maybe?
Considering the world we live in, was there really nothing else to talk about? No other relevant questions we could have asked? No news that might have made the headlines?