What would you do if you purchase your favourite wafer chocolate and found wafer inside missing? 

Obviously demand a lifetime’s worth of chocolate from the chocolate maker like 20-year-old Saima Ahmad in the UK. 

Ahmad has shot off a strongly worded letter to Nestle UK, demanding a lifetime’s supply of KitKat chocolates from the company. Or she’s going to sue. 

It all started when Saima bought a pack of eight KitKats from her local supermarket last month. But she was furious after all the chocolates were found to not have the wafer inside, a Daily Mail report says. 

b’Representational Image | Source: lenews.ch’

According to Ahmed, a second-year student at Kings College in London, the incident only highlights Nestle’s attitude towards its consumers.

In order to back up her case, Saima has also appended details of a 1930-devised legal precedent that asks companies to comply with the consumer’s complaints. 

What actually led her to write the letter is not clear. However, a report in the Mirror claims Ahmed had found a large number of similar complaints on online forums while researching this phenomenon. 

Saima told Mirror:

“I’m hoping they will apologise to me and in future focus more on quality of their product. No one else in that industry has that unique concept about mixing the wafer with the chocolate and that’s why I’m a fan.I wouldn’t rule out taking this further if Nestle do not apologise or compensate me adequately.” 

Nestle’s wisely chosen not to comment on the matter just yet. 

Feature image source: Reuters