She traveled from one country to another alone for treatment of her three-month old daughter, a thalassemic patient, a decision for which her husband and in-laws abandoned her. 

b’Representational Image | Source: Reuters’

Mamata Yasmin, a housewife and resident of Bangladesh’s capital Dhaka visited Kolkata alone with her daughter Aamira (name changed) when doctors recommended her a “better treatment” across the border. Aamira was only three-month old when she was detected to be thalassemic. 

“Doctors told us that she can be treated but we should not be impatient…My husband and in-laws told me that there was no point in watering a dead plant and I must not press them for treating Aamira,” the 30-year-old mother told PTI.
b’Representational Image | Source: Reuters’

 Determined to cure her daughter, Mamata returned to her father’s house who promised to help her financially. “My father sold his land and other belongings and gave me a few lakh rupees for Aamira’s treatment and I arrived here in India in 2012,” Mamata said. 

Alone in the city with nobody to help her, Mamata rented a room at Rajarhat and started taking Aamira, now a four-year-old, to a renowned medical facility where expenses hit the roof.

 “Blood transfusions and iron chelations were becoming quite painful when I heard about the bone marrow treatment which can treat thalassemia completely. But that was expensive… Then I decided to give it a try at Apollo Gleneagles Hospital. The doctors at the hospital decided to undertake bone marrow transplant, the only known cure for thalassemia, to address the situation”, Yasmin said.

 “Aamira’s eight-year-old elder brother was identified as a perfect HLA match and was prepared for the transplant,” Haemato-Oncologist and specialist in bone marrow transplantation Dr Shilpa Bhartia said. 

(Feature Image Source: Reuters)