Recently, news about Finland’s new PM introducing a four-day work week and a six-hour workday plan spread like wildfire around the world. But looks like it was just a rumour.
According to reports, the Finnish government has confirmed that this policy is not being introduced in the near future. They mentioned that it was a future vision and a potential future goal for the Social Democratic Party (SDP).
The government also tweeted through its official account.
In the Finnish Government´s program there is no mention about 4-day week. Issue is not on the Finnish Government’s agenda. PM @marinsanna envisioned idea briefly in a panel discussion last August while she was the Minister of Transport, and there hasn’t been any recent activity.
— Finnish Government (@FinGovernment) January 7, 2020
This plan was originally introduced by Marin when she was the Minister of Transport and Communications in August 2019. She talked about how people should be spending time with family. But there was no confirmation after that.
Vastakin on pyrittävä työn tuottavuuden parantamiseen ja, että hyötyjä on tavallinen ihminen. Työajan lyhentämisestä voi ja pitää keskustella. 4 päivän työviikko tai 6 tunnin työpäivä elämiseen riittävällä palkalla on tänään ehkä utopiaa, mutta voi olla tulevaisuudessa totta.
— Sanna Marin (@MarinSanna) August 19, 2019
An online Brussels newspaper called New Europe published this inaccurate news on January 2nd. This gave rise to different publications picking up this news.