The people of Foshan in the Guangdong province of China were recently witness to a vision of a massive city in the sky. According to The Inqisitr , thousands of residents saw a rare and unique phenomenon where the clouds over Foshan appeared to show skyscraper-like formations literally floating in the airspace.

The sight of this floating city left the locals flummoxed, and led to TV news channels having a field day.

Experts conjecture it could be a heightened form of a regular kind of mirage known as Fata Morgana. This kind of mirage is the result of warm and cold weather bending light so that objects appear higher and larger than they really are. Others have suggested that the whole thing is a massive hoax, aided with a liberal dosing of Photoshop.

The massive and surreal sight left onlookers stunned, and brought the people to a standstill. Looking like something straight out of a sci-fi flick, this otherworldly phenomenon was caught on tape by several residents, and received quite a bit of television and news coverage. Check it out.