Finance Minister Arun Jaitley on Sunday claimed to have won the ideological war in the JNU row. 

Addressing the Bharatiya Janata Yuva Morcha national convention at Vrindavan, Jaitley took a dig at JNUSU President Kanhaiya Kumar and said, “We have won.”

“Those who were once shouting slogans for dividing the country are now raising slogans of Jai Hind and waving the Tricolour after their release from jail,” reports Times Of India.

According to a Indian Express report, Jaitley said, “A strange situation has emerged. A new chapter of this ideological battle has begun. Someone wants to hold a programme in the memory of Yakub Memon, someone wants to hold a programme in the memory of Afzal Guru. Who were they? A small section was of jihadis. A major section was of Maoists.” 

b’File Photo of Arun Jaitley | PTI’

The Finance Minister went on to launched a stinging attack on Congress Vice-President Rahul Gandhi for voicing ‘sympathies’ for ‘those who raised slogans for breaking up India’, 

He said it was the Congress vice president’s ideological hollowness that he did something that likes of Indira and Rajiv Gandhi never did.

“Slogans were raised for breaking up the country and it was the country’s misfortune that a leader of Congress, which has been in the mainstream so far, went there to express sympathies with those who did so. It was ideological hollowness,” Jaitley said.

Congress Vice-president Rahul Gandhi in the Lok Sabha had given a clean chit to Kanhaiya, saying he found nothing seditious in the JNUSU President’s speech.

(With Inputs From PTI)

(Feature Image Source: PTI)