On Tuesday, Supreme Court’s mandated body Environment Pollution and Control Authority (EPCA ) drafted measures to curb the rising pollution level in the national capital.

The body has recommended that parking fees in Delhi-NCR be increased four times and has instructed Delhi Metro to lower fares during off-peak hours for at least 10 days and introduce more coaches.

This will be done to encourage people to use public transport, reported Hindustan Times

b’Delhi witnessed thick haze covering the city in the recent days’

Other recommendations: 

EPCA chairman Bhure Lal and member Sunita Narain announced a series of measures to combat air pollution in the capital

  • The EPCA has urged the government of Delhi to prepare for the odd-even scheme if pollution level crosses the threshold level. 
  • A fine of Rs 50,000 to be imposed on construction agencies which violate dust pollution norms in  Delhi-NCR
  • Delhi and neighbouring states such as Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan and Haryana have been instructed to improve the public transport system by introducing more buses.
  • The body has also asked for a complete closure of brick kilns, hot mix plants and stone crushers across the region until further notice

The announcement came soon after Delhi witnessed thick haze covering the city in the recent days, as pollution level crossed the permissible levels.