It’s not just personal lives that have been immeasurably affected by the current pandemic – businesses the world over are reeling from massive losses, with many companies laying people off or implementing severe pay cuts. 

Amidst all this, French IT company Capgemini, which has 1.2 lakh employees in India, has hiked the salary for 70% of its India staff, or 84,000 employees, since the start of this month.

According to The Times of India, almost the entire company is now working from home, but this is an unprecedented move considering that few other companies are even managing to stay afloat.

Economic Times

The company is also providing Rs 10,000 cash allowance to those employees who are stranded without a PG accommodation and also retaining its employees on the bench.

India CEO Ashwin Yardi said that employees will get their salaries irrespective of client furlough periods and bench time.

Times of India

It’s heartening to see that at least some businesses are managing to function at this trying time, and also make life better for its workers.