Sachin Tendulkar and Sourav Ganguly opening the batting for India was arguably the most memorable period of limited overs cricket in India. And the Prince of Kolkata has laid down the law: He’s not going to play in the All-Stars Series that begins on Saturday in the US unless he gets to open.

And guess what, it looks like it might just happen!

Source: BCCI

Practising in the US ahead of the series, Ganguly, who is part of the Sachin’s Blasters team has said that he won’t settle for anything less than the opener’s position.

“I have told Sachin, if I don’t open, I will catch the next flight to Kolkata. So that is a criteria for playing,” he was reportedly quoted as saying in an IANS report.

However, Tendulkar was up for the challenge and tweeted that his former opening partner’s application was under evaluation:

Honestly, though, who wouldn’t want to see this duo open the batting. It takes us back doesn’t it.