A 50-year-old gardener died at the Delhi Police headquarters after his throat was allegedly slit by a metallic wire that accidentally got stuck in a blade of the lawn mower vehicle on which he was seated.

The incident happened at around 8 am on Wednesday when officials deployed outside the police headquarters’ building saw the gardener collapse and rushed to his help assuming that he had had a heat stroke, a police official said today. 


While gardener identified as Afsar, a native of Bulandshahr in Uttar Pradesh, was being put on a stretcher, the officials saw blood oozing from his neck.He was rushed to a hospital where doctors declared him dead, the official said. 

It emerged in the investigation that Afsar’s throat was slit by the metallic wire stuck on a blade of the lawn mowing vehicle. He did not come into contact with the rotating blade directly. 

A case has been registered in connection with the matter and Afsar’s relatives have been informed, the official added.

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