A 15-year-old girl committed suicide on Monday, October 5, at her residence in Chikkalaja area of northern Bengaluru.

In a suicide note, the girl has mentioned the names of two boys and their associates who allegedly took her nude photographs after abducting and stripping her. She was studying in standard 10 in a government school.

“Krishnamurthy and Mohan are responsible for my death. These two and their associates took me away when I was returning home from school on Monday. They stripped me and clicked my pictures. I have decided to die as I have lost my honour. I and my family need justice. I myself have written this letter and it’s my handwriting,” the girl has written in her letter reports Deccan Herald .

According to the family, despite repeated harassment and a complaint registered on Sunday, October 4, there was no action taken by the police.

Krishnamurthy and Mohan have been arrested by the police and are looking for other suspects. Vikash Kumar Vikash, Deputy Commissioner of Police (Northeast), has asked for a detailed report on the incident from the jurisdictional ACP post accusation by the girl’s family.

Cases of harassment continue to take innocent lives due to lack of immediate action from the police. Until the protectors stop behaving like assailants, nothing can be changed.