Following reports that people were visiting veterinary doctors to determine sex of an unborn child, Maharashtra government has now made it mandatory for vets to register their ultrasound sonography machines with health officials.

Similar rules are already in place for radiologists under the Pre-Conception and Pre-Natal Diagnostic Techniques Act (PCPNDT), 1994. “There were complaints that families were paying vets to get sex determination tests done since we have already tightened the noose on radiologists. These guidelines were issued to prevent female foeticide,” an official of the state health department said.

b’Representational image | Source: Reuters’

As per a recently issued government resolution, “All private veterinary doctors and government veterinary hospitals will now have to get their ultrasound sonography machines registered with their respective municipal corporations or district health officials. Details of every test conducted on machines will also have to be provided.

It further states that vets will have to give an undertaking that sex determination tests will not be conducted at their clinics or hospitals and they will also have to display boards mentioning that “sonography tests will be performed only on animals or birds.”

As per the resolution, only those possessing Bachelor of Veterinary Science, Masters of Veterinary Science or a PhD will be permitted to conduct test on an ultrasound sonography machine.