People around the world are lending a helping hand to those in need. From sharing food to providing rations and donating funds to those severely affected by the lockdown. 

One such extraordinary example is that of the Goa Sikh Youth community which has been actively providing food for those who are going hungry due to the COVID-19 lockdown. 

Set on the same lines as the ‘Langar Seva’ offered by Gurudwaras around the world, a Facebook user shared the story of how this community is coming out to the streets in order to make sure no one goes hungry.  

In his Facebook post, Sukhvinder Singh added that though the group does not take any cash or monetary donations, they are in need of groceries. He also added their contact numbers in case someone out there is going hungry. 

Their Facebook page also has pictures and videos of how the food is being distributed.

What an inspiring sight to see. No matter what happens, humanity wins.