The coronavirus pandemic has forced almost the entire world to go into lockdown. Amid this situation, the response from the front-line fighters has been commendable. These people including healthcare workers, policemen and grocery store owners are working round the clock to ensure that we remain safe.

al jazeera

In India, people gathered in their balconies amid lockdown and clapped to show solidarity with those working in the emergency services.

Similar things happened in other parts of the world too.

A video doing rounds on social media shows staff at a grocery store in Belfast applauding healthcare workers.

The staff also handed bouquets to the healthcare workers to express their gratitude.

According to reports, Tesco stores across Northern Ireland have allowed healthcare workers to arrive one hour before the usual store timings, every Sunday, to buy supplies.

Netizens appreciated this gesture by the staff to show their gratitude to the healthcare workers.

These people have been doing so much for us. If not more, we can at least thank them and show the respect they deserve.