At a time when it has become absolutely essential for us to use renewable sources of energy for all our needs, a Gujarat temple has been reportedly leading the way in this department. 


In an attempt to save electricity, the Badrinarayan temple in Surat has reportedly switched to solar energy and is utilising the saved money to promote education in the area. 


Temple’s trustee Praveen Chandra spoke about how high the electricity bill used to be and said:  

The motive behind this was to save money. The bill has dropped from Rs 1.5-2 Lakh per month to Rs 10-12,000 per month. With the money that is saved every month, the shrine started a college and a school for Sanskrit.

Twitter has also been praising the move. 

Chandra also informed reporters that the 50-kilowatt capacity solar panels that have been installed on the terrace of the temple cost only Rs 25 lakh.