
Palestinian Islamic Organization Hamas has captured a dolphin which it fears has been sent by the Israel Navy to attack members of its armed wing, Izzadin Kassam . Yes, you read that right… a dolphin.

It came to the limelight after the Palestinian daily Al-Qud reported the incident quoting sources in the Gaza Strip. The newspaper said that the Israeli dolphin had been captured off the shores of the Gaza Strip a few days ago.

Source: Wikipedia

The dolphin was noticed by commandos for making “suspicious movements”. After following the mammal, a device was found to be carried by the dolphin to monitor underwater activities. The commandos managed to capture the dolphin and take it to the shore. Reportedly, the dolphin had been equipped with a remote control monitoring device and a camera.According to the sources, the captured device can fire small arrows that could kill or seriously wound anyone who dove deep into the sea. It is believed by Hamas that Israel was planning to target or monitor the movement’s naval commandos during their training in the sea. As of now, no comments from the Hamas officials in the Gaza Strip have come over the newspaper report.

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