A lot has been happening in Kashmir since Sunday.

Pilgrims of the Amarnath Yatra and tourists in J&K were asked to leave the state ASAP. As many as 35,000 soldiers were deployed in the valley and all the communication services were blocked.

News Nation

And later on Monday, 5th August, the government brought in a resolution to revoke Article 370, that grants special status to the state of the Jammu & Kashmir. Conditions in the valley haven’t been any better since then, with Internet and phone services still blocked.

The Hindu

In this time of confusion, people of Kashmir residing outside the state were finding it difficult to contact their families back home. 

But reports suggest that the government has released two helpline numbers for residents and students outside the state to get in touch with their families.

The DM himself tweeted out this information.

India Today

Special trains and extra coaches have also been announced for workers, including those returning home on the occasion of Eid, from Udhampur. 

Accommodation, food and transport is also being arranged for passengers.

Reports suggest that more helpline numbers will be released tomorrow.