On Tuesday, 14th July, the Indian Army intercepted a few militants who tried to sneak in through the LoC in the Mehndar Tehsil region of Jammu. Among them was Anwar Khan, known for the beheading of Lance Naik Hemraj in 2013. In the shootout that ensued, Khan was shot dead by the army.


Khan was awarded Rs 5 lakh for the killing of Hemraj and was considered to be a master at recon work. He was also a local guide for the Border Action Team (BAT) of Pakistan.

A promise fulfilled.

Army Chief General Bikram Singh who had gone to meet Hemraj’s family had said, “His sacrifice will not be in vain.” And our men at the LoC proved him right by gunning down the man who beheaded him.


Some respite for the family.

Anwar was said to be involved in a similar beheading case back in 1996 of an Indian Army Captain. Hemraj’s family had also gone on a hunger strike demanding his severed head be returned to them. Though Anwar’s death cannot bring back the martyrs, it can give some respite and relief to their friends and families.


A salute to our martyrs and our Army. What will we do without these men who protect our borders?