New Delhi: In a first comprehensive assessment of the violent uprising that rocked Jammu and Kashmir last year, Mehbooba Mufti-led state government on Tuesday presented official stats about the number of civilian killings, arrests and attacks on security forces in 2016. 

Replying to various questions from the opposition leaders in the state legislative assembly, Mufti answered a series of questions regarding the wave of violence that engulfed the valley in the aftermath of Hizbul Mujahideen militant Burhan Wani’s killing.  

While Mufi revealed different figures of stone-pelting incidents and arrests in the valley, her government was unable to produce any figure of the victims who were blinded by deadly pellets fired by the security forces. 

Here are the startling figures provided by the government 

That means 7 stone-pelting incidents every day of the year

Many of the civilians were teenagers and students

2016 saw revival of militancy in the bloody valley

This includes 19 army soldiers killed in Uri

Illustrations by Aroop Mishra