That’s right, this happened! A B Tech student from Punjabi University recently ordered an iPhone 5S 16 GB off of Snapdeal and walked away with an offer of a lifetime. Originally worth ₹28,999, Nikhil Bansal paid an amazingly peanut-sized ₹68 for the high-end smart phone. No hacks, pure luck!
Bansal spotted an offer of a 99.7% discount on the phone and took it.
Perhaps, a technical snag, but when Bansal spotted an iPhone 5S 16 GB being offered on the e-commerce website with an epic 99.7% discount, he didn’t waste a moment before he placed an order for the product.
When Snapdeal refused to deliver, Bansal took them to court. And, won!
Bansal filed a case with the consumer court in Punjab’s Sangrur district against the online commerce giant for not “honouring the deal.” The court in verdict, not only ordered Snapdeal to deliver the product at the peanut price, but also made the company pay a ₹2000 penalty.
Snapdeal challenged the verdict in a consumer forum, and lost again.
Snapdeal’s attempt at challenging the decision and fighting back, backfired. This time, with a fine of ₹10,000 that the company was ordered to pay.
Lucky bugger!
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