Hillary Clinton faced a marathon 11 hour grilling session before Congress on Friday, where the lawmakers criticised her for failing to do enough as the secretary of the state to save US citizens in the 2012 Benghazi attack which killed four Americans.

Clinton sat for four consecutive sessions in a packed hearing room of the House Special Committee on Benghazi. The Republicans accused her of hiding details and failing to do enough to protect the US mission in Libya during a period of deep unrest.

Clinton , the Democratic front runner for president, remained composed throughout the interrogation session by the Republicans. However, in her defence the Democratic lawmakers on the panel occasionally lashed out at their Republican colleagues.

“If we stay here much longer, you’re going to have to take that 3 am phone call from the committee room,” said Democratic panel member Adam Schiff.

Clinton mostly managed to accuse her rivals of exploiting the deadly attacks in Libya, which came under her watch as secretary of state, for political gain.

On Twitter, the reviews of Clinton’s performance were overwhelmingly positive. Many believe that this grilling session will be tremendous boost to her presidential campaign. Many of her supporters came up with the hashtag #FreeHillary .