Most Indians are still not comfortable with homosexuality, and tend to treat it as a disease rather than as a simple sexual preference. This is especially evident in view of the fact that several licensed and prominent local doctors offer ‘Conversion Therapy’, because according to them, homosexuality is a mental illness not unlike schizophrenia.

This story was first published as an exclusive by Mail Today .

Source – jonmichael

These quacks, who take advantage of the gullible relatives of these ‘patients’, prescribe treatments ranging from homeopathic medicines and counselling, to medicines like Oleanz, a tablet for mental disorders which has some severe side effects. The most shocking fact though, is that several people have even been given electro-shock therapy as a last ditch attempt to change their brain mapping.

Source – textually

This kind of medical practise is highly unethical, yet several doctors continue to capitalise on the social pressure relatives of homosexuals face by guaranteeing 2 month ‘cures’. The mindset towards homosexuality has to change for violations like this stop.