Panic gripped the city of Moscow as it witnessed a rather alarming sight on Monday morning.
Russia Today reported that a Burkha clad woman was allegedly seen walking outside a metro station in Moscow holding the severed head of a child. Soon after people saw this gory sight, the Oktyabrskoye Pole metro station was shut.
Eyewitnesses at the station revealed that the woman pulled out the child’s severed head from her bag and started shouting “I’m a terrorist”, ‘Allahu Akbar’ and “I hate democracy”. More horror ensued when she threatened to blow herself up. However police found no explosives on her, reports Irish Mirror.
The incident comes after the discovery of the headless body of a three or four year-old child at a burned apartment in Moscow, International Business Times reported.
The 39-year-old woman has been identified as Gulchekhra Bobokulova from Uzbekistan and she was working as the child’s babysitter.
She is reported to have been wandering the streets of Moscow for an hour before the police finally arrested her. As of now, the Russian Police have not classified the incident as terrorism, but investigations are on.
(Feature Image Source: Twitter)