There are many fraudsters out there who are taking advantage of the healthcare crisis our country is facing right now. 

Many people have been duped into paying for oxygen cylinders and medicines in advance to a supplier but, aren’t getting anything in return.

So, here are a few things you must keep in mind if you don’t want to be duped or fooled.

1. Firstly, don’t make any pre-payments to any supplier.

2. Call them up and ask them for their address. 

3. Go to the given address, collect your oxygen cylinder/medicine and then make the payment. 

4. If the supplier has given you proof of PAN No. or GST No. only then should you think of giving them a token amount.

Fraud suppliers won’t entertain your queries once you refuse to make advance payments or ask them for their GST No./PAN No.

Read the entire post here: 

Please beware of fraudsters.