US wing-suit pilot Jeb Corliss has pulled off yet another gravity-defying stunt when he flew through a mark suspended over the The Great Wall of China on Sunday. 


Corliss was just in a wing-suit when he jumped off a helicopter 6,000 ft above the ground, and flew at a speed of 193 km/h through the air above the Great Wall of China, before slashing through the bull’s eye. 

To the 40 year old stunt-man, who previously grabbed eyeballs when he flew through a 25 foot crevice last year, this was a safer stunt than the ones he usually performs. He even postponed the stunt from Saturday to Sunday, due to strong winds that could prove potentially dangerous. 

“I’m not about doing death defying stuff anymore, .. That’s not the point. What I’d much rather do is things that are safe, repeatable, but more difficult.” Corliss told NBC News.

Corliss used a go-pro to record the stunt. Watch him take the awesome leap: