Seven bags of tonsured human hair worth Rs 25 lakh were stolen from the famous Srisailam temple in Andhra Pradesh’s Kurnool district. The hair was offered at the temple by devotees during worship.
The incident happened on Wednesday night when three masked men broke into the temple’s store room and decamped with 7 bags of hair kept there. The hair were stocked in bags kept inside locked drums, reports Mumbai Mirror.
The incident has been captured by the CCTV cameras.
Kurnool SP AKE Ravi Kishan told India Today that police suspects the involvement of temple insiders in the theft and are trying to verify the same.
The stolen hair if auctioned would have fetched a revenue of about Rs 25 lakh to the century-old temple famous among tourists and devotees across the nation.
(Feature image source: Facebook/@maharashtratimes)