In a gruesome incident in Hyderabad, a man allegedly killed his 30-year-old wife, a Congolese national, chopped the body into pieces and set them ablaze.
The incident took place in the wee hours of Sunday morning. The 36-year-old accused, Rupesh Kumar Mohanani was arrested on Tuesday by Cyberabad Police.
Rupesh, a private firm employee residing in Hyderabad’s Gachibowli, had married club dancer Cynthia Vechel in Congo in 2008.
The couple, who have a baby girl named Sania, used to have frequent quarrels over financial issues and the accused was also “suspicious” of her character.
“The deceased used to chat with her friend on Facebook that led to suspicion and frequent quarrels between the couple. On July 3, at about 3 am, the accused and his wife bickered over some issue and in a fit of rage he throttled her and killed her brutally,” Deputy Commissioner of Police Sunpreet Singh told reporters.
“With an intent to screen out the evidence, he cut the body into pieces with a knife and an axe, placed it in a bag and left the house in a car to dispose it,” he added.
Rupesh and his wife who were living in Congo came to India in 2012 and were residing at Gachibowli since.
“They had applied for Overseas Citizen of India (OCI card), which needs to be verified…the matter (murder of Cynthia) has been informed to the Embassy of Congo,” Singh added.
A case has been registered under sections of IPC and further probe is on, police added.
(Feature Image Source: PTI)