Yoga guru Ramdev, who had said that he would have beheaded lakhs of people for not chanting ‘Bharat Mata ki Jai’ slogan, was booked by the Hyderabad police on Wednesday. 

A case was registered on a complaint by Mohd Bin Omer, a medical college student and an activist of city-based Darsgah Jihad-O-Shahadat under section 295 A (deliberate and malicious acts intended to outrage religious feelings) of the IPC at the Mirchowk Police Station, a senior police officer said. 

Omer stated in the complaint that he had seen a video clip on YouTube where Ramdev threatens members of a particular community, Assistant Commissioner of Police M Srinivasa Rao said. “We are investigating the matter further,” Rao told PTI. 

Ramdev had recently said at an RSS meeting in Rohtak that he respects the law of the land and the Constitution, otherwise he would have “beheaded” lakhs of people for refusing to say ‘Bharat Mata Ki Jai’. Hyderabad-based MIM chief Asaduddin Owaisi had earlier said he would not say the slogan. 

(Feature image source: PTI)