According to the government sources, the victim is Manjit Singh, a resident of Chhattisgarh. Singh, who was working on the merchant vessel Gulf Dove, succumbed to injuries from a bomb blast in Yemen’s seaport city of Aden. However, the exact dates of his injury or death haven’t been confirmed so far.
INS Tarkash, which evacuated about 450 people from Aden harbor on Friday, is carrying his body to Djibouti, the report further said.
India concluded its air evacuation operation on Thursday, April 9 after 630 civilians were evacuated from Yemeni capital Sanaa, taking the total number of Indians brought home from the war-ravaged country to over 4,640 besides around 960 nationals from 41 countries, a Times of India report said.
The humanitarian situation is getting worse by the hour in Yemen, said a UN spokesman Friday, a Zee News report said. But India’s effort in the process of rescuing people, both Indian and other nationals, has been commendable.
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the war-like situation in Yemen has killed 643 people and injured 2,226 between March 19 and April 6.