An Indian student in Albany, United States was sentenced to 12 months of supervised imprisonment for intentionally damaging close to 66 computers in his college in New York. 

The Week

Vishwanath Akuthota, aged 27, was awarded the sentence by United States Attorney Grant C Jaquith, reports the Hindustan Times

Further, he has been asked to deposit restitution charges amounting to $58,471 or ₹41,56,440. 

Telugu Times

Akuthota pleaded guilty of destroying close to 66 computers by inserting a “USB Killer” device, which malfunctioned the computers’ on-board capacitors. 

The device, which caused the capacitors to charge and discharge rapidly, physically destroyed the USB Port as well as the entire system. 

Tech Spot

The student who was studying in the United States is a resident of India and has been in custody in North Carolina since February 22.