Nobody is loving this heat. Let’s admit it. We like it in moderation but not in this hellish avatar. And we have our own long lists of why this summer sucks. But let’s take a moment and have a look at some of our fellow Indians who’re worse off than us this summer:
1. Traffic Cops
For standing in the middle of the road breathing in all the pollution and getting burned alive.
2. Construction Workers
When you complain about reaching office sweaty, think about these guys.
3. Auto Rickshaw Drivers
They drive around in an oven taking passengers to and fro. At least you get to hop out of the auto and go into your air-conditioned office.
4. Rickshaw Drivers
Not only do they not have a roof above them like auto-rickshaw drivers but they have to exert their 100% energy pedalling in the merciless sun.
5. Fruit/Vegetable Sellers
For pushing their carts and making their way across neighbourhoods in this scorching heat.
6. Cobblers
They mostly struggle to find shade under a tree and find it harder to find business. And in summer, their situation becomes doubly bad.
7. The Homeless
The weather is always harsh on them. Be it chilling winters or this deadly summer. They bear the brunt of it either way.
8. Ice-cream walas
Cruel Irony. These guys have to be out in the Sun getting toasted so that we can cool ourselves down with some delicious ice-cream.
9. Trash Guys/Sweepers
Extreme heat accelerates the stinking up of garbage. It’s a fact. Now, imagine clearing all of this stinky garbage while you’re out in the scorching Sun.