The Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle or PSLV-C40 lifted off successfully today from Sriharikota.


The event attains much more significance given the fact that ISRO has set another example of space cooperation by launching satellites of 6 other nations along with our own Cartosat-2 series satellite.

The PSLV, carrying India’s 100th satellite along with 30 others, lifted off at 9:29 a.m. from the Satish Dhawan Space Centre, Sriharikota, Andhra Pradesh.


It was the first mission for ISRO in 2018 and its success means a lot to the nation. After the unsuccessful launch of IRNSS-1H in August last year, this mission signifies a bright future ahead for the Indian space agency.

ISRO chief AS Kiran Kumar told NDTV

We are extremely happy about the launch. This is a New Year gift to the country.

The PSLV also carried satellites from Canada, Finland, France, Republic of Korea, UK and the United States.

A great milestone indeed and a giant leap in space. 

Way to go, ISRO!