Reacting to Pakistan’s decision of sentencing alleged Indian spy Kulbhushan Jadhav to death, India condemned the move and called it a ‘case of premeditated murder’. It also said the proceedings against Jadhav are “farcial” as there are no ‘credible evidence’ against him. 

The ministry of External Affairs issued a statement where it denied Jadhav’s involvement in anti-Pakistan activities and claimed he was kidnapped from Iran last year. It further said that Pakistan could never establish his presence in the country. 

This is India’s official statement on the case :

The ministry, in its statement, also accused Pakistan of not informing its high commission  before bringing Jadhav to trial. 

Talking to ANI, former RAW chief AS Dulat said that the move isn’t surprising as Pakistan had also assassinated one of its Prime Ministers, Zulfikar Ali Bhutto, in the past. 

Pakistan had initially issued a press release stating it will be awarding death sentence to Jadhav for his involvement in anti- Pakistan operations. 

b”The official statement from Pakistan’s Inter Service Public Relations”