After the demise of former Tamil Nadu chief minister Jayalalithaa, her gold jewellery worth Rs 6 crore will continue to remain with Karnataka government treasury. 

The gold was seized from her house in Chennai during an income tax raid in 1996 and will lie in the state’s treasury till the disproportionate assets case filed against her is disposed of, reports Economic Times.

The disproportionate assets case was filed by Janata Party president Subramanian Swamy after the income tax raid that uncovered 750 pairs of footwear, 10,000 sarees, 800 kg of silver, 28 kg of gold, 44 air conditioners and 91 watches.

b’Source: PTI’

The raid was prompted by the extravagant spending on her then foster son Sudhakaran’s wedding even as Jayalalithaa had made a public declaration that she would take only Rs 1 as salary in her public office.  

Former advocate general BV Acharya, who is fighting state’s case against Jayalalithaa in the Supreme Court told the newspaper that the gold and all her disproportionate assets will have to await the outcome of the case. He also said that the case against Jayalalithaa will subside but will continue against all her co-accused.

(Feature image source: AFP)